

  • create multiple web maps
  • multiple layers
  • insert points, lines, shapes and polygons
  • add labels
  • rich styling options
  • set layer draw index
  • hide/show layers depending on zoom level
  • add item descriptions
  • click on items for more info
  • edit existing items
  • enable/disable grid
  • distance measuring tool
  • surface measuring tool

Kingdom Mapper is a web application I created as part of my Diploma project. It allows the user to create dynamic web maps by starting with a blank canvas and then adding points and shapes to it. The user does this in multiple layers and gives a style to each layer, which allows for a visually pleasing creation. The layers can be turned on or off manually or based on zoom levels, which allows the user to show a map on a macro scale and then show additional details as the map is zoomed in on.

The map properties are stored in a PostgreSQL database and served from a server running the open source GeoServer software. The map is displayed with Javascript using the OpenLayers library.